Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Who You Gonna Call...

At times this job just gets plain odd. Did you know the government lists paranormal investigator as a legitmate vocation?

No? Yeah me either until assigned to write about it for work.

Needless to say I've been listening to this all morning-

and now I'm kinda sorta obsessed.

Also I found this question on a paranormal investigator (ghost busting?) chat room:

What would a girl think if sometimes at night her boyfriend gets scared of ghosts and hides under the covers?with a flashlight and bat? I only get paranoid about ghosts a few times a year. I’m in my early 20’s. Is this normal? Would a woman tolerate this or is even doing this once a dealbreaker? And yes, I realize ghosts are probably not real and I’m too old for this.
Ladies? Anyone want to answer that for the poor guy?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Tis the (wedding) season!
Love seems to be everywehre. Not only is New York finally started officially marrying gay couples (the photo above is from a New York Magazine shoot of the state's first legally married same sex couples) but I have what is sure to be an unreal amazing wedding next weekend and just saw a couple get engaged while on my afternoon run.

Love is so stinking cute.