Monday, July 18, 2011

Babies yo

(this was found here)

Is there anything cuter than fat baby legs sticking out of salmon shorts or a little boy in a dinosaur sleeper shirt talking to himself in a three year old lisp as he carefully spells out his name on a piece of purple construction paper? Is there anything more annoying than a group of ten year olds banging on a window like monkeys or fighting over who gets to shoot the gun in the computer game their playing?

Sometimes my biological clock starts to tick and then the future of my future baby brings it to a screeching halt. Makes a girl confused, but at the same time so happy to be single.

1 comment:

  1. the kiddos in japan wear little yellow hats when they are in elementary school - so i have a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds running down my streets with knee highs and yellow hats. THEY ARE SO FLIPPING CUTE I WANT TO STEAL ONE.

    that is all.

    and yes, i am commenting on a post from July. Sue me woman.

    PS: enjoy iceland. im pissed i'm not there with yo.
