Monday, October 24, 2011


image from here

Dear sir playing with rattail,

It’s more upsetting than the violent/vaguely pornographic movie you’re watching in the middle of the library.

Your fellow library patron

Friday, October 21, 2011

Current Events

picturefrom here
I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know this New Zealand oil spill had happened.

and I'm even more embarrassed to admit that the only reason I figured it out was because I did an internet search for penguin sweaters.

It's been a strange week....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wastin' Time

This weekend I spent an inordinate amount of time on the couch. And yes, that is said with pride. Lately I've been in hiberation mode and fighting it. But not this weekend. After first complaining bitterly about having to hang out at a fun wine bar with people who like me and then being (aptly) described as in a February state of mind in October, I decided to give in to hibernation like woah.

Rather then eat too much and curl up in a cave I decided to hibernate by embracing the fun that is pinterest (yes I know I'm late to the party, like real late. Like it might already be time to start packing up food and consider heading elsewhere, but I'm here) and watched an almost (almost!) embarressing amount of Parks and Rec. That ish is funny.

Helping my desire to remain completely motionless on the couch is the fact I'm back in the job search like crazy. After recently meeting with a recruiter who inspired no confidence ("so how exactly does this twitter thing work??") I've picked up the applications on my end. This means lately there's been a lot more time spent figuring out how to coach my experience in terms that will be wildly impressive.So lots of words like "facilitate" and "collaborative nature" are being dropped over here. Yep, it's as exciting as it sounds.

And now for your enjoyment here are some of the things that I found, want, and pinned: