Monday, July 25, 2011

An Open Letter to Seattle

(from here)
Dear Seattle,

I think it’s time we had a little chat. You see, it’s summer and yet you remain stubbornly stuck in spring (or even fall; yeah that’s right I went there). And as much fun as it’s been to horrify/impress friends from home with facts like, this year there have only been 78 minutes of weather higher than 80 degrees, it’s getting old.

Yes, yes, I know: this weekend you pulled it together beautifully. Those were two magic days full of stunning blue skies and hot sweaty weather that made me only want to eat popsicles for the rest of my life. You gave me a sun warmed dock with incredible people, an excuse to float away on the relaxation station multiple times, and didn’t even burn any of my fair skin. Yes Seattle, you did good this weekend.

But then that brings us to today when I woke to thunderstorms with rain and a chill in the air. It was confusing, like really, really confusing (and not just because I’d spent the night before dreaming of the relaxation station). Suddenly I felt like I should be wearing boots and spending cold, gray evenings curled up in a coffee shop with a book. Not okay Seattle, not okay.

So I’m saying, give me summer. Give me days so hot I have to sleep in the basement because it’s the only place cool enough since nowhere in this city has air conditioning; give me a really good (bad) sunburn; give me days full of frozen fruit because it’s too dang hot to eat anything even if it’s at room temperature; give me hours of plotting how I will convince someone to lend me a boat so I can get some relief from the heat.

Do what you have to do Seattle, but give me summer.


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